Order and delivery information

Delivery and delivery time
You will receive an order confirmation with all the details immediately after sending the order form. The order will be processed within 24 hours and dispatched during postal opening hours (Mon-Sat). Delivery is made from our warehouse in Switzerland to the delivery address specified by the customer. After dispatch, you will receive an e-mail notification with a tracking code that can be used to track the parcel.

Taxes and customs duties
Paropakaram is currently not subject to VAT. Except for transport costs, all customs and other fees are included in the price.

Individual products such as cashmere scarves, bags and incense sticks are available from our partners in Zurich, Bern, Lucerne and Winterthur. However, we are unable to offer collection of online orders.

Satisfaction guarantee
Satisfied or money back! Defective or faulty products will of course be exchanged immediately. And if you are not satisfied with the product you have received, we will refund the purchase price.